
  • Tom Fux - Senior Vice President of Sales - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor in Marketing。
    Toyota Motor Europe - 汽车 - 比利时
  • Hedvika Usenik - Member of the Supervisory Board - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Master in Finance。
    NLB Banka Banja Luka - 银行 - 波斯尼亚—黑塞哥维那
  • Hajrudin Dzananovic - Vice President, Information Technology Business - 毕业于 University of Ljubljana
    Schneider Electric Croatia - 电器电子元件 - 克罗地亚
  • Sasa Bavec - Managing Director of Systems Division and Group Marketing Director - has a Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology from University of Ljubljana and Master of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from University of Ljubljana.
    Knauf Insulation - 材料 - 美国(美洲)
  • Hedvika Usenik - Chairman of the Supervisory Board - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Master in Finance。
    NLB Skladi - 银行 - 斯洛文尼亚
  • Peter Lavric - Chief Technology Officer - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor of Science。
    Matevž Mazij - Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor of Science in Business Information Technology。
    Bragg Gaming Group - 娱乐场 - 加拿大
  • Sašo Berger - President of The Management Board - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor of Science in Economic and Finance。
    Petrol Group - 石油和煤气 - 斯洛文尼亚
  • Bozo Belcec - Executive Director, Chief Technology Officer - 毕业于 University of Ljubljana
    Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Slovakia - 银行 - 斯洛伐克
  • Uros Merljak - Sales Director, Distribution, Retail and Electricians - 毕业于 University of Ljubljana
    Hajrudin Dzananovic - SEE Data Center Business Development Manager - 毕业于 University of Ljubljana
    Andrej Dermelj - Project Manager - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor of Science in Power Engineering。
    Schneider Electric Slovenia - 电器电子元件 - 斯洛文尼亚
  • Lea Cimperman Acman - Head of Public Relations - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor of Science in Marketing Communications。
    Spar Slovenia - 分配 - 斯洛文尼亚
  • Ivan Funčić - Director of Operations and Region West - has a Master in International Business from University of Ljubljana and Business Administration and Management from University of Rijeka.
    Securitas Croatia - 安全 - 克罗地亚
  • Andrej Lasič - Member of the Supervisory Board - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Degree in Economics。
    NLB Banka Sarajevo - 银行 - 波斯尼亚—黑塞哥维那
  • Bogdan Poberznik - Director - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor of Science。
    Fontem Ventures - 烟草 - 荷兰
  • Urška Kos - Chief Financial Officer - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor of Science in Economics。
    Telemach Slovenia - 电信 - 斯洛文尼亚
  • Daniel Loredan - Finance Manager - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor of Science in Economics。
    OMV Slovenia - 石油和煤气 - 斯洛文尼亚
  • Milica Chaparovska - Chief Retail Officer - has a Master of Business Administration from University of Ljubljana and Bachelor in Economics from Faculty of Economics at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - Skopje.
    Stopanska Banka - 银行 - 北马其顿
  • Milan Martin Cvikl - Vice Governor - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Master in Economics。
    Bank of Slovenia - 银行 - 斯洛文尼亚
  • Mark Tanko - Vice President, Marketing - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor。
  • Pika Bizjak - Head of Business Operations - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor in Marketing。
  • Roman Marolt - Head of Finance and Controlling - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor in Finance。
    Sika Slovenia - 化学 - 斯洛文尼亚
  • Alenka Bester - Director of Digital Marketing and Content - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor in German。
    Triglav - 保险 - 斯洛文尼亚
  • Milan Rus - Deputy Managing Director, 3dva - has a Master in Sociology from University of Ljubljana and Bachelor of Arts in Economics from University of Ljubljana.
    Tobacna Ljubljana - 烟草 - 斯洛文尼亚
  • Jakob Marovt - Vice President of Marketing - has a Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Science from University of Ljubljana and Manufacturing and Management Program Degree from University of Southern Denmark.
    Gregor Belcec - Vice President of Product and Engineering - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Master of Science in Computer and Information Science。
  • Anel Ceman - Vice President of Monetization - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Bachelor in Business Informatics。
    Tripledot Studios - 视频游戏 - 联合王国
  • Jost Dolnicar - President of the Management Board, Chief Executive Officer - 拥有 University of Ljubljana 的 Degree in Law。
    Sava Insurance - 保险 - 斯洛文尼亚












